Click on photos to read the short CV
Lucille Anglès
Coordinator for the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education
Sector, Paris, France
Ingrid Belčáková
Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Ecological Awareness, Technical
University of Zvolen, Slovakia
Maria De America Bendito Torija
VISUS Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022
In the context of the joint UN Programme "Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina", the UNESCO Chair researchers are applying the VISUS methodology for the safety assessment of 40 schools in ten municipalities of Bosnia and Hezegovina. The main goals of the Programma are
International UNESCO Chairs Forum - Expo 2020 Dubai
With "The Declaration of UNESCO Chairs for Sustainability", the Italian UNESCO
Chairs participated as a collective subject in the International Forum of UNESCO
Chairs, organized by Italy Expo 2020
Presentation on the outcomes of VISUS for Chimanimani Districts (Zimbabwe)
Following the launch of the VISUS initiative in October 2021, UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa in partnership with the University of Udine (Italy) and the University of Zimbabwe implemented the VISUS methodology across 15 schools in Chimanimani district. In this context, a webinar to present the outcomes of the
COP26: UN Climate Change Conference, UK 2021
On the occasion of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference
[] (Glasglow-UK, 31 October - 12 November, in partnership
with Italy), the GADRRRES []group has prepared a statement
that highlights the severe impact of climate change on education. The statement
emphasises the efforts engaged
International Conference on the Safe Schools Declaration
On the occasion of the 4th International Conference on the Safe Schools
Declaration [], Albuja, Nigeria (24-27
October 2021), the GADRRRES []group has prepared a
statement that highlights the severe impacts of conflicts and attacks on
education. The statement also emphasises the efforts
CONFERENCE - ROUND TABLE 45 years after the Friuli earthquake: towards post-Covid-19 reconstruction
45 years after the Friuli earthquake, on Wednesday 15 September, the "45 years after the Friuli: towards post-Covid-19 reconstruction" conference - round table took place in Auditorium Pasolini, Palazzo di Toppo Wassermann (via Gemona 92, Udine, Italy).
The recorder event is available in the Youtube channel of the