SERM Academy

12 Contents

Learning from Disaster: PoliMI Students explore Earthquake Recovery in Friuli Venezia Giulia

From 29 to 30 May 2024, twenty-eight students representing thirteen countries* around the world visited the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Their purpose? To explore the areas affected by the devastating 1976 earthquake, a disaster that highlighted the evolving role of the Italian Civil Protection and sparked an intense period of

Multi-Hazard Exercise SERMex 2024

16-18 May 2024 A summary of the three-days SERMex 2024 exercise The SERMex 2024 concluded successfully, offering an important opportunity to test the tools and procedures implemented and tested within the activities of the SERM Academy. Firefighters (VVF) and the Regional Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia (PCR-FVG) collaborated effectively,

Quick Triage methodology tested at SERM Academy as part of the FireSpill project

We are pleased to share the positive outcome of the SERMex FireSpill exercise held on May 24 and 25, 2023 at the SERM Academy in Portis Vecchio. During these two intense and learning-rich days, the Firefighters of Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige joined forces to test the Quick Triage methodology

Technical Triage handbook

"Evaluate and classify rapidly, to effectively manage a plurality of critical situations". This is the operational need that inspired the SPRINT-Lab researchers of the University of Udine in identifying and formulating a solution to the problem, by borrowing the concept of triage from the medical sector and applying it to


Within SERM Academy, SPRINT researchers are coordinating the iTRIAGE approach (engineering of integrated patrol techniques for the management of emergencies, in Italian: "Ingegnerizzazione di Tecniche Ricognitive Integrate Applicate alla Gestione dell’Emergenza"). iTriage aim is the creation of IT and organizational instruments to support collection, transmission, processing, and representation of

Short-term countermeasures for securing cultural heritage buildings during a seismic emergency: Improvements after the 1976 Friuli earthquake

Journal: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, Authors: Grimaz S., Malisan P., Zorzini F.

Exercise SEMex2018

On September, 13th, 2018 the SERM-ex exercise took place in the Portis Vecchio training camp.
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