SERM Academy

10 Contents

Portis Vecchio

Portis is a small village in the municipality of Venzone, in Udine province. The village is located at 250 m of altitude where the river Fella strikes into the Tagliamento.

SERM Academy

The SERM Academy is an international training school concerning the safety and emergency response management. SERM Academy aims at strengthening an integrated system for the emergency management and at improving the cross-border interoperability among civil protection actors. On May, 7, 2016 the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Regional Civil Protection,

Exercise SERMex2014

WHEN From April 28 to May 8 there was an exercise in Venzone. It aims at testing the effectiveness of the response of the institutions of the FVG in case of an earthquake, also through the assessment of structural criticality/ problems and the management of urgent technical interventions for emergency
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