
4 Contents


RESILIENHANCE program Enhancing the Resilience to Disasters for Sustainable Development Project Co-financed under Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional funds (L.R18/2011) - CEI-FVG operative programme 756/2021 Natural hazards and manmade accidents call for enhancing resilience to disasters as a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable development. In a complex and interconnected

VISUS projects

In this page you can find the projects in which the VISUS methodology was applied (including also the projects developed by SPRINT-Lab before the establishment of the UNESCO Chair). VISUS projects


The ARMONIA project aims to tighten collaboration between the civil protection institutions for risk prevention. Through the use of innovative methodologies, it develops a trans-frontier strategy in the management of natural disasters. The development of common protocols allows joint planning and implementation of harmonize actions to accelerate and facilitate the

SERM Academy

The SERM Academy is an international training school concerning the safety and emergency response management. SERM Academy aims at strengthening an integrated system for the emergency management and at improving the cross-border interoperability among civil protection actors. On May, 7, 2016 the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Regional Civil Protection,
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