VISUS projects

In this page you can find the projects in which the VISUS methodology was applied (including also the projects developed by SPRINT-Lab before the establishment of the UNESCO Chair). VISUS projects

VISUS Zimbabwe 2021

In the context of the UNESCO project "Comprehensive Resilience Building in the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts" in Zimbabwe, implemented under the authority of the Director and Representative of UNESCO Regional Office of Southern Africa (ROSA) and the supervision of the Science Programme Specialist of the UNESCO office in

Reflections on safety and resilience in the age of complexity

In the video you can view the webinar on "Reflections on safety and resilience in the age of complexity" by our UNESCO Chair. During the meeting, the speakers developed reflections on why it is important to address the problem of "disaster risk reduction and resilience" in

Dialogues of the UNESCO Chairs

The webinar "Reflections on safety and resilience in the age of complexity" was held on Wednesday 7 July at 5.30 pm by our UNESCO Chair. During the meeting, the speakers developed reflections on why, in an increasingly complex world exposed to a multiplicity of risks, it is

Impact assessments on buildings starting from seismic ground motion data measured on site

Jacopo Jiritano University of Udine. PhD in "Environmental and Energy Engineering Science []", XXXV cycle. PhD in progress. Supervisor: Prof. S. Grimaz

VISUS methodology

Ensuring the safety of people is one of the main concerns of public administrators in hazard-prone territories, particularly with reference to strategic and relevant major public buildings, such as schools. This requires the definition of a rational and effective strategy for risk reduction based on the level of risk, points

Technical Triage handbook

"Evaluate and classify rapidly, to effectively manage a plurality of critical situations". This is the operational need that inspired the SPRINT-Lab researchers of the University of Udine in identifying and formulating a solution to the problem, by borrowing the concept of triage from the medical sector and applying
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