21 Contents

VISUS in Dominican Republic

The first phase for the application of the VISUS methodology in Dominican republic is concluded. VISUS will be implemented in Dominican Republic within the BERLAC5 UNESCO project (component 2.2) and in the project "Providing decision-making information and tools for enhancing school safety worldwide through school facilities assessment"

VISUS presented in the UNESCO open learning course: "Resilient Schools and Disaster Risk Reduction Education"

The VISUS methodology is part of the online UNESCO open learning course "Resilient Schools and Disaster Risk Reduction Education", that will start in July 2021. The course aims to strengthen disaster risk management by providing adequate training on school safety planning and implementation in the context of the

Implementation of seismic assessment of schools in El Salvador

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Authors: Figueroa E., Malisan P., Grimaz S.

Multi-hazard visual inspection for defining safety upgrading strategies of learning facilities at territorial level: VISUS methodology

Journal: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Authors: Grimaz S., Malisan P.

GADRRRES webinar on VISUS methodology

On 09 March 2020, GADRRRES hosted a webinar dedicated to VISUS. VISUS is a methodology that provides decision-makers with tools and information that allows them to make science-based decisions on where and how to invest their available resources for enhancing school safety. In the webinar, you have the chance to:


SPRINT-Engine platform.

40th Session of the General Conference - UNESCO

The Rector of the University of Udine, prof. Roberto Pinton, and prof. Stefano Grimaz took part at the 40th UNESCO General Conference, held in Paris at the UNESCO headquarters from 17 to 27 November. They attended the session of the General Conference dedicated to the mobility and inclusion of university
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