In the context of the Implementing Measures for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Mitigation of School Facilities in Haiti project, funded by the Adaptation Fund, the UNESCO Chair researchers are applying the VISUS methodology for the safety assessment of up to 700 schools in four departments in Haiti. The aim of this project is to enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of the Haitian education sector to disaster risk of natural hazards related to climate change, through the establishment of appropriate risk assessment tool, schools retrofitting and implementing adaptation actions in Haiti.
One component of the project concerns the application of the VISUS methodology in up to 700 schools in haiti.
VISUS will allow to identify the necessary actions for upgrading the safety of the assessed schools in a multi-hazard perspective, while reducing as much as possible the time and costs for the safety assessment of the learning facilities of each school.
Persons involved in the implementation of the project and in the use of the outcomes can access the VISUS tools through the following links (only for accredited users):
VISUS Haiti 2023 portal for surveys
Only accredited users can use the platform.
VISUS Haiti 2023 web maps
Only accredited users can use the platform.
VISUS Haiti 2023 repository for final reports
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