In the video you can view the webinar on "Reflections on safety and resilience in the age of complexity" by our UNESCO Chair.
During the meeting, the speakers developed reflections on why it is important to address the problem of "disaster risk reduction and resilience" in terms of intersectoral safety, in an increasingly complex world exposed to a multiplicity of risks.

The webinar is in Italian (with the exception of the intervention of Jair Torres, in English).


Welcome and introduction (prof. Stefano Grimaz - Chairholder)

The context: The age of complexity (prof. Alberto Felice De Toni - University of Udine)

The theme: safety and resilience in the age of complexity (Prof. Stefano Grimaz - University of Udine, Chairholder)

The vision: indications of the United Nations (Dr. Jair Torres - UNDRR)

Applications: School safety (Dr. Petra Malisan - University of Udine)

Inter-institutional synergies: the SERM Academy (eng. Amedeo Aristei - director of PCR-FVG; and eng. Alberto Maiolo - provincial commandant Italian Fire Brigade, UD)

Interdisciplinary Didactic: Curricular Courses, Masters, Doctorate (prof. Antonino Morassi - University of Udine)